Standout Actions 

Price $150.00



Due to the digital nature of this product, no refunds can be given. Tested on Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud and know that they work as we expect them to. Buying them for earlier versions of any software is an "at your own risk" venture.


Standout Actions 2020
Dodge& Burn
Standout Eyes
Teeth Whitening~yellow out

Change Color Bruch 
Pinky Lips and Blush
Remove Hot Spots 
Frequency Separation
Brighten and Contrast 
Lighten reds and darken blacks
Soft Contrast
Reduce Shadows 

Reflector Brush
Remove Reds

Remove Flakes Brush 
Purple Hand Foot
Paint on Brown Brush
Winter Blues

Lens Flare
>>>>>Finishing Touch<<<<<
Add depth 

Light Sharpening 

Reduce Noise
Check for highlights
>>>Perfect Seamless<<<<
Seamless Blur
Correct banding

Add Noise